Friday 15 March 2013

Naturalistic Terrarium

Hello all, sorry I have not written for a while. I did set my self a target of at least one article a week, however with university and going on holiday I haven't had a chance any way just thought I would show you a Biotope I have been building. I used an Exo Terra 45x45x45 terrarium.


 I used foam spray to create a textured background I then coated this with coco fibre and Sphagnum moss


Once I had coated the background I put a thin drainage layer of gravel on the floor of the terrarium, I then mixed Eco Earth, Coco fibre and Sphagnum moss to create a suitable substrate, I also created a standing water pond as I wanted to grow carnivorous plants and a layer of sphagnum moss and java moss which like the acidic conditions a standing water pool will create.

The moss is beginning to turn green, the entire vivarium will be a mix of green, light reds, yellows and browns. The Java moss in the pond will cover the rock area and merge with the Sphagnum. I used a variety of plants that are non toxic and like the conditions I have put them in. 

Plants used


Java Moss - originates from south east Asia, it takes hold really well and will soon engulf the pool and merge with the terrestrial Sphagnum moss. 

Sphagnum moss - originates from New Zealand, is commonly used in reptile and amphibian keeping, it is currently pink and yellow but after a few weeks under the light conditions and water conditions I have created it will turn a vibrant green, there will still be other colours to create a nice contrast. 

Flaming Sword bromeliad - Likes a warm humid climate, I have drilled into the branch and planted the Bromeliad in that as they prefer this to terrestrial planting. Once the Bromeliad has matured it will bloom, producing a large vibrant red flower, it will then have young which will do the same. A Bromeliad in bloom is pictured below. 

New World Pitcher Plant - is the carnivorous plant in the centre of the terrarium, they like a boggy substrate and warm climate, they produce bright red funnel shoots which attract insects. I think they make a really interesting addition to the terrarium. 

Wandering Dew- Is planted into the background, once it establishes it will drape down from its current location, it will also grow along the branch creating a great effect. the colours on this plant are truly stunning and will only become more contrasting as it matures. A well established plant is pictured below. 

Aluminium plant- these again like warm, boggy environments so will love its new home. as a foliage plant it will create some brilliant depth in the vivarium. 

Green Creeping fig - located on the right hand side of the terrarium the creeping fig will grow up the entire wall creating more greenery, it also does a great job of cleaning pollutants from the air so will really help any live animals within the terrarium.   

I have created a video tour so you can see where I have planted each item

 Hope you all like it, as always please feel free to comment.

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